Vanrobaeys – Grundmeier breed mix

No. 2292

The individually developed “Grundmeier breed mix no. 2292” from Vanrobaeys is used for breeding pigeons throughout the year.

This mix contains everything needed to make good food for breeding, for example, 10 percent hemp and 8 percent P40 (vitamin corn).

Once molting is complete, the previously specified mixture receives paddy rice (max. 1/3).

You can find further information here

One pigeon – clear water

Daily 5 ml with 1 liter drinking water

You can find further information here


Schroeder-Tollisan BV

Med. Tollyamin Forte

10-15 ml with 1 liter drinking water

You can find further information here

Dosto Oregano liquid 12%

1 ml with 3 liter drinking water

You can find further information here

Virbac – Calgo-Phos

5 ml with 1 liter drinking water

You can find further information here

Dr. Marien – condition powder

1 tablespoon for 1 kg feed

Available exclusively from Dr. Marien in person. Products are not dispatched.

Dr. Marien – mineral powder

1 tablespoon for 1 kg feed

Available exclusively from Dr. Marien in person. Products are not dispatched.


Schroeder-Tollisan BV

Reha Vital Elixier

1 tablespoon for 1 kg feed

To moisten the feed

You can find further information here


T-Vitamin-Goetsch (TVG)

Starting approximately 3 weeks before pairing, the vitamin product TVG is used to icnrease fertility (2.5 ml for 1 liter drinking water)

You can find further information here

This plan is only a guideline and may also be implemented differently.

Saturday return day


For 4 liters of tempered water

  • 1 bag Oral Paedon (pharmacy)
  • 6 heaped tablespoons of glucose (Dextropur Plus)
  • 20 ml Catosal
  • 80 ml Aqua Animal


Upon arrival

  • Own grit mix


After separating

  • Pearl mix
  • 50 % Vanrobayes Super Champ no. 735 (Fröhlingsdorf mix)
  • 30 % peeled sunflower seeds
  • 10 % hemp
  • 10 % seeds
  • Same feed mixture as the day before use
  • Moisten with Hipp carrots, SB Special (Dr. Vandersanden) and some Probac 1000, dry Lactogel + own mix, as much as the pigeons want to eat




  • 100 % Vanrobayes Super Champ No. 735

  • With Hipp carrots, SB Special (Dr. Vandersanden), Probac 1000, Lactogel + own vitamin mixture


With 2 liters water throughout the day

  • 20 ml Sedochol Plus

  • 20 ml Aqua Animal




  • 100 % Vanrobayes Super Champ No. 735

  • With Hipp carrots, SB Special (Dr. Vandersanden), Probac 1000, Lactogel + own vitamin mixture


With 2 liters water throughout the day

  • Possible addition of iodine

  • 0.6 ml Dosto Oregano liquid 12%

  • 20 ml Aqua Animal




  • 100 % Vanrobayes Super Champ No. 735

  • and some Prange soup


With 2 liters water throughout the day

  • 0.6 ml Dosto Oregano liquid 12%

  • 20 ml Aqua Animal




  • 100 % Vanrobayes Super Champ No. 735

  • and some Prange soup


With 2 liters water throughout the day

  • 20 ml Aqua Animal

Thursday (training flight)



  • 50 % Vanrobayes Super Champ No. 735

  • 30 % peeled sunflower seeds

  • 10 % hemp

  • 10 % seeds

  • With Multi Energy Oil (Nebel) + own vitamin mix

  • Then the same feed without additives, followed by chopped peanuts (as much as they want)


With 2 liters water throughout the day

  • 20 ml Aqua Animal

Friday (day of action)


Let stand until 12:00 PM

  • Feed as Thursday evening (without additives) as long as they want

  • Then bath (lukewarm) without additives


Until basketing

  • Clear water


Own git mix consisting of:

50 % TOVO dried with red mineral powder (Dr. Marien)

50 % different grit mixes (the more the better)

We had good experiences with mixes from

DHP Cultura (wide selection) and the Multi Mix (Patagoon) from Jan de Werd

The homing pigeons receive a cup of this grit mix every day in the morning after their free flight.

Own vitamin mix consisting of:

3 parts Powerplay

2 parts condition powder (Dr. Marien)

1 part red mineral powder (Dr. Marien)

1 part Dynamik (Nebel)

Own pearl mix:

2 grams immune pearls from Mifuma

2 grams Nutri-Powder from Natural

1 gram Avifood breeding feed fine (High Potency Fine)

Always give the pearl mix in the morning after the free flight and on the competition day after separating.

No pearl mix on action day.

The pigeons also receive a mix of cheese and peanuts every day during the travel time (afternoon) with the exception of the day of action.

Mix 2 grams Edamer cheese and 2 grams peanuts (food grade) in a kitchen machine and chop.

Throughout the season (500 and 600 KM flights), the peanut and cheese portion can be increased to 3 grams per pigeon as needed.

Add condition syrup from Dr. Marien every 3-4 weeks always on the day after return (morning) with a seed mixture (1/3 hemp, peeled sunflower seeds and mixed seeds) 1.5 ml for 10 pigeons.

Take out feed from previous day around 6:00 PM so the pigeons also are hungry on the day the syrup is added.

The classic widowhood is only practiced with birds.

Females are not used.

Normally, a training flight of 40 km is performed once a week.

If action is planned for Friday, training on Thursday.

Release is normally around 5:30 PM.

Then the pigeons remain in the cell together for about 30-60 minutes with a darkened dovecote.

After separating, wait about an hour to feed the pigeons so they can eat well.

The training flight will be in the morning with warmer temperatures (25 degrees or more).

If necessary, darken the dovecotes somewhat on the day of action.

Pigeons must be peacefully basketed.

The partners are not shown, because the pigeons have seen each other on the day before after reutrning home from their training flight.

The pigeons always stay for at least 1 hour in the darkened, cool garage before driving to the place of action.

The day after returning home is always a day off.

No free flight at the house.

Otherwise free light at the house mornings and evenings.

Start at the beginning of the week from about 35 minutes to about 60 minutes at the end of the week.

Free flight in the morning only if it is at least

10 degrees.

No training at the house on the morning of the day when there is a training flight.

Medical information:

The pigeons are examined by a veterinarian before the season.

Treatments are given on instruction.

A resistance test is performed and the most effective medications are determined.

I have had very good experiences with the following products to treat trichomonads and goiter inflammation:

The pigeons are treated with Tricho-Groen (20 %) from Dr. Peeters for 7 days before the season.

The following products are used as needed throughout the season:

  • Metro (goiter wash)
  • BS and Belga Magix pills from De Weerd

This plan is only a guideline and may also be implemented differently.

Call should there be any questions.

0174/4303168 or 02745/2280165

Good luck

Florian Grundmeier

Products which I use for racing:

Oral Paedon


Further information

Dextropur plus

Grocery store

Further information



Schroeder-Tollisan BV

Further information

Aqua Animal Plus

Aqua Electra GmbH

Further information

Nutri Power


Further information

Immune pearls


Further information

Fine breeding food

(High Potency Fine)


Further information

Super Champ Fröhlingsdorf no.735


Further information

Hipp carrots


Further information

SB Special


Further information

Probac 1000

Dr. Brockamp | PROBAC

Further information



Further information

Sedochol Plus


Schroeder-Tollisan BV

Further information

Prange soup


Schroeder-Tollisan BV

Further information

Dosto Oregano liquid 12%


Schroeder-Tollisan BV

Further information

Multi energy oil

Nebel / Champion active ingredients

Further information


Nebel / Champion active ingredients

Further information



Further information

DHP Cultura mixes


Further information

Multi-Mix Patagoon


Further information

High Protein 90


Further information